十堰鹏睿工贸有限公司位于闻名全国的车城十堰。十堰是中国规模最大的汽车工业基地之一,拥有中国第一,世界第三的卡车基地—东风商用车公司,有“东方底特律”之美誉。本公司依托其基地享有得天独厚的优势。 主营产品:东风德纳车桥配件;山东鲁美散热器;山西汤容制动毂;万安泵、阀、盘式制动器;公主岭轴承;东风康明斯配件;东密油封;宇通、金龙客车底盘(客车减总、轮毂、行星半轴齿等)配件。 公司自成立至今本着“质量求生存、信誉谋发展”的企业宗旨。以精益求精的产品质量,快捷周到的服务,赢得国内外广大客户的一致好评。 The brief introduction of the company Shiyan Pengrui industrial and trading company is located at one of the famous capital of automobile in China – Shiyan. Shiyan is the “Detroit of China”, owns the biggest truck company in China – Dongfeng Automobile. Our company enjoys a lot of benefit by locating here. Our Main products: DongFeng De Na Bus Axle; Shan Dong Ru Mei Radiator; Shan Xi Tang Rong Brake Hub; Wan An(VIE) Pump、Valve、 Disc Brakes;Gong Zhu Ling Bearings; Dong Feng Kang Ming Si Accessories; Dong Mi Oil Seal; Yu Tong(ZK), Jin Long Passenger bus Underpan Accessories (Carrier Assy, Hub, Planet Gear and Side Gear). Since the establish of our company, we insist on “We can only survive by providing the best quality products, we can only develop by maintaining the best credibility.” We well reputed by all of our clients by offering them the best products and service.